Combine CT Timeline Set and Snags with kit "Cherished Moments" by Dran Design and Poser "Cherished Klara" by Tammy Welt

This is a beautiful combination by Tamara Welt and Dran Design 
with kit "Cherished Moments" and "Cherished Klara" 
both PTU, with sweet tones of peaches and cream 
this can find this kit at 
Pics for Design here
Scraps & Company here
and this beautiful poser which comes with 4 layers and a closed up 
can be found at Pics for Design here
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Here is a few Snags for you guys, Enjoy
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CT Tags and snags with kit Dark Fire Angel by Bibi's Collections

I love this new kit by Bibi's Collection, made to match 
this beautiful tube by Pandora-Creations called "Black Fire Angel"
this kit is available in store now find it here
also in store is this beautiful tube get it here
Second tag with Fire Angel layer
Here are some snags for you guys, Enjoy